Remove flickering & show animation while loading comments & reviews

You might notice that while the page is loading, and if you scroll quickly to the section of your page where the comments or reviews are, the Webflow designer elements will be visible until our app is running and loading content. To fix remove this, you can decrease the opacity of the comment grid (with the class supersparks-comment-grid-xxxxx) to 0% before publishing:

Then we highly recommend showing a loading animation while our content loads. To enable, this, you just need to add div just outside of the comment grid, paste our class from the Supersparks editor, and you can then add a lottie (with a loop) into the newly created div:

Our app usually only takes less than a second to load comments & reviews. However, we are planning to improve this in the near future. If comments are loading slow, be sure to check your browser network - you might find some large image files or other apps that are delaying our app from running.