
Member posting getting started

Supersparks integrates with Outseta and Memberstack, allowing you to display selected member data (eg. avatar, name, etc.) alongside user-generated content posted by logged-in users. You can also use Outseta and Memberstack to gate certain elements, to grant certain content posting permissions within our website.

Selecting a memberships tool

After completing the basic installation, you can get started implementing member posting through the Memberships section of the spark editor. Once here, be sure to select the membership tool you are using and click save.

If you haven't done so already, make sure to install the memberships tool you are wanting to use with Supersparks. Once this is done, you can follow the below instructions inside of the editor for:

  • Displaying custom data with content posted by logged in members for:
  • Notifying members by email when content gets responded to
// Optional: Add this CSS to your project's custom code section