What are the unique requirements for creating a community with a Memberstack template

For our Memberstack community templates, you will need to implement Memberstack (assuming you haven't done so already). The steps are the following:

1) Paste the Memberstack script into your page settings

To get started, follow the regular Memberstack implementation by pasting the unique code snippet to the <head> tag of your page settings.

2) Add Memberstack components into your page settings

Our templates do not have any Memberstack sign up, login, user account, and logout components implemented, since they have such a wide range of options in their library (including ones with OAuth2). To get started you just need to add these components to your template via Memberstack's component library. Make sure to link the pages with these components to the navbar of the component.

Linking the navigation to a sign up page

3) Paste the custom fields

The app configuration for Supersparks, will automatically apply the first name & last name fields to the name & custom field 1 fields in the Supersparks member settings. If you wanted to display other member fields with content, paste the field custom field ID from Memberstack into Supersparks. Then follow Supersparks' instructions for creating elements and pasting classes to display members custom field data in post & comment sections.


If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to reach out to hello@supersparks.io.