
Display a username with member content

If you would like to keep members' real names anonymous, you can instead display usernames in place of the members' real names (like you would see on Reddit and the below example).

Memberstack Specific Setup

The first step is to go to Memberstack and select the custom field you would like to display with members' usernames. Here you can copy the ID of the custom field.

After, paste the copied ID into Supersparks for the username slot in the memberships settings.

Outseta Specific Setup

The first step is to go to the Custom Properties section of your Outseta CRM, select the Person property you would like to use for username. Here you can copy the System Name of the username property.

After, paste the copied System Name into Supersparks for the username slot you would like to use for the person property and press save. Make sure the pasted System Name is identical to how it is in Outseta, as they are case sensitive.

Option 1: Username Replace Setting (recommended)

We recommend switching on the username replace setting, which will be automatically show the member authors' username in place of their real name on the author name pre-installed with all of our components. This will also keep the name anonymous from our apps' API call responses.

Option 2: Additional Element For Username

There is also the option to display a username and the members' actual name with content. To do this, you can add another text element in the content section and add the class provided in the Supersparks editor for username.

// Optional: Add this CSS to your project's custom code section