Now that you have signed up to Supersparks, authorized your site, and navigated to the editor screen for our commenting product, you can get started with the installation.
You can select from a wide range of styled and unstyled Webflow components with a comment form section and form. If none are your cup of tea, you can always adapt them in the Webflow Designer.
After selecting, click on the copy button and paste it (using cmd + v or ctrl + v) into the static or CMS collection template page you would like to enable commenting on. ⚠️ Please note, pasting components will not work on Safari ⚠️.
The second step is to copy and paste the Supersparks' script and paste it inside the <head> tag of the page settings for the page you are adding commenting to.
Now the fun begins! In the Webflow Designer you can adapt the design of every aspect of the reviews section and form. Please note, classes or attributes starting with 'supersparks' or 'sparks' are required for the Supersparks app to function, so please avoid renaming or removing them.
Publish your Webflow site and you can begin adding test reviews on your live site!