Extras - Community Posting

Add an image upload field

Through Supersparks, you can allow users upload an image for an image field when a new CMS item gets created from the community post form. This is great for allowing users to provide an image for a separate element, such as a header / preview image for a post they are creating.

Create an image field

To get started, create a CMS field in the collection where Supersparks is creating new CMS items for posts.

Select the field in Supersparks

Next, go to Supersparks extra features library, select the image field you just created in the dropdown, and click save.

Paste the upload component into your rich text form

After, you can select a component for the upload input and then copy & paste it into your Supersparks rich text form in Webflow.

Copying the component
Pasting the component into the community post form

Once pasted, you can adapt the styling. Try to avoid removing any elements or attributes as they are likely essential to the functionality of the image upload functionality.

After publishing, when a user uploads an image to the new field, the file will get added to the image field when a new CMS item gets created from the rich text form.

Image uploaded by a user to a Webflow CMS item

⚠️ Please note, copy & pasting components will not work on Safari. Be sure to use any other browser for this action. ⚠️

// Optional: Add this CSS to your project's custom code section