
Notify members when their content gets responded to

⚠️ Please note, this article is solely focused on enabling email notifications for content posted by members (while logged in through Outseta, Memberstack, or Webflow Memberships). If you are interested in enabling notifications for guest authors, be sure to watch this tutorial video.

This article is dedicated to showing you how to notify members of your community whenever someone interacts with their previously posted content. In addition to introducing the global setting for switching on notifications for all members, there are individual tutorials for implementing settings for each memberships tool for users to opt-out or opt-in for different notification types, like the below example:

Default Email Notifications Setting

We highly recommend switching on Supersparks' setting for enabling email notifications for any member that posts content because asking every member opt-in to notifications is not an easy task, and when notifications aren't being sent, your members will not know when their content gets responded to. You can learn more through the video below 👇

For more details on how to enable email notifications settings inside of your sites' members account settings, you can follow the tutorial below for whichever memberships tool you are using.

Webflow Memberships - Notifications Settings Setup

Memberstack - Notifications Settings Setup

Outseta - Notifications Settings Setup

// Optional: Add this CSS to your project's custom code section