April 17, 2024

Community Discussions In Webflow

Leverage Webflow Memberships or Memberstack to enable asynchronous discussions on a style community.

Create a community on a Webflow site

If you have an existing userbase using Webflow Memberships or Memberstack, you might not be taking full advantage of the opportunity to create a thriving community. Why miss out? Communities significantly enhance user engagement, allowing you to forge more meaningful connections with your customers. Historically, those managing membership sites have turned to platforms like Slack or Discord for community interaction. However, these platforms come with limited customization options and necessitate users to navigate away from your website.

Two emerging alternatives, and Skool, offer solutions for community building. Yet, adopting these options means shelling out a minimum of $49 for a separate tool, and they lack the customization capabilities that many Webflow site owners seek.

Enabling communitiy discussions on CMS pages

Enter the Supersparks app, working in conjunction with Webflow. Now, you can establish your very own community right on your Webflow site, complete with discussion capabilities and full design control. This approach ensures that community interactions stay within your website's ecosystem while enabling you to tailor the community's design to resonate with your brand identity and overall website aesthetics. Through the Supersparks app, you can even enable commenting on CMS pages. Best of all, Supersparks is completely no-code and takes less than 2 minutes to install.

Curious about how this is achievable? Leveraging the power of the Webflow CMS, you can generate new pages based on templates for various topics, blog content, events, and more. By utilizing a memberships tool, you can restrict content access and commenting to registered members. Furthermore, our app seamlessly integrates with Memberstack and Webflow Memberships. This integration ensures that user comments are enriched with their chosen data, including name, profile image, and username, all tied to their accounts. Users also have the ability to manage their own comments, including deletion, once they're logged in.