Webflow Job Board Template - Bold

Launch a fully customizable, job board with Webflow in minutes. Integrate with Memberstack or Outseta. Avoid spending hours piecing together nocode tools with Make or Zapier.

Cloneables For This Template

We offer multiple versions of this template with different membership tools pre-installed. Select the cloneable for the tool you would like to use below.
Potter ipsum wand elf parchment wingardium. It fire-whisky plums large seek. Hermione venom firs’ hall hat.
Newt you’ve owl peg-leg mewing candles cup. Thieves it wizard of a his pumpkin.

Job Board - Memberstack

Our job board template cloneable most compatible for Memberstack userbases.

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Job Board - Outseta

Our job board template cloneable most compatible for Outseta userbases.

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Job Board - None

Best if you are only allowing guests to post jobs to start (no member posting)

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Job Board - Unbinded

Best for adding our job board template to an existing Webflow website.

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No-code, 2 min installation

1. Clone A template

Clone one of our community templates for free from the Webflow Showcase.

2. Adapt template in Webflow

Customize the styling, layout, and UX for the template in the Webflow Designer. Publish site to go live! 🚀

3. Customize settings

Enable pre-moderation, notification, and presentation settings in the Supersparks editor - 100% nocode.

4. Manage content

Review & moderate content posted by users in an easy-to-use dashboard.

Clone our template to get started

We offer multiple versions of the template with different membership tools pre-installed. Select the cloneable for the tool you would like to use belowl.

Need help setting up this template?

For a onetime fee we can implement Supersparks and this template for you.

Speed up app setup and UGC section design with our component-based installation

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you setup this template for us?

This is some text inside of a div block.

Yes! We can set up Supersparks with a community template of your choosing for a onetime fee ranging between $75 and $250 depending on your requirements. Get in touch with us at hello@supersparks.io. We can also do a basic installation Memberstack and Outseta as part of these services. Please note, after we handoff the project to you, a paid subscription will still be required to get the community working on a custom domain.

Can I review and manually approve content before its published to my site?

This is some text inside of a div block.

Yes, using our pre-moderation settings, you can either set your content section to auto-approve or manually approve new content before its published to your site.

Can I use this template on an existing website?

This is some text inside of a div block.

Yes! You can clone any of our templates, and copy and paste the components and code snippets from the template into your existing project and install Supersparks. We recommend using our unbinded version of the template to speed up the process of disconnecting all of the CMS fields and collections from elements in the template. Also, here is a tutorial more focused on this installation method.