Create a community website with custom UX & UI using Webflow.

Break free from generic templates or widgets! Allow members or guests to post comments, reviews, or community posts on your Webflow sites in 2 minutes, through our nocode tool.

Made just for Webflow

Use Webflow to build a custom community / user generated content experience for your brand and users' needs.

Webflow Memberships, Outseta, & Memberstack integrations

Display member profile data of your choosing with comments, reviews, & community posts.

Full design control in the Webflow Designer

Customize content sections to look however you want - no more embedding 3rd party widgets with limited design flexibility.

Saas Webflow Template - Whistler - Designed by and

Social features

Allow members to upvote, view content history on public profiles, & more.

Saas Webflow Template - Whistler - Designed by and
Saas Webflow Template - Whistler - Designed by and
Saas Webflow Template - Whistler - Designed by and

2-min no-code installation

Speed up the development process by copying & pasting styled and unstyled components into your Webflow project.

Content dashboard

Review & moderate all content posted across websites in an easy-to-use dashboard.

Enable user generated content on Webflow!

2 minute installation. 7 day free trial. No credit card needed.

Potter ipsum wand elf parchment wingardium. It fire-whisky plums large seek. Hermione venom firs’ hall hat.
Newt you’ve owl peg-leg mewing candles cup. Thieves it wizard of a his pumpkin.

What our customers are saying

Claudia Nathan

Finding Supersparks was a huge win for us, such a simple and effective way to extend Webflow and boost our user engagement and UGC. It integrates seamlessly with our no code stack and once configured we haven't had to worry about it at all, it just runs in the background for us. Ian is one of the most hands-on founders and this product's features are not to be underestimated, they've already helped us massively in growing and engaging our community.

Supersparks has been an integral part of getting my startup online. The team has been so quick to respond/follow through, and are constantly improving Supersparks in ways their customers need.

Raymmar Tirado

Supersparks fills the gaps with Webflow when it comes to community / user generated content. It’s simple to implement, especially if you are familiar with Attributes, and opens up a whole new world of possibilities for Webflow websites.

We have loved using Supersparks for Caffeine. It's super easy to implement and the team is really responsive to any questions. Excited to have such an easy comments feature that we can roll out on future projects too.

Billy Howell

Supersparks is a great tool that I always recommend to clients. It saves hours of time in Webflow and the team is super responsive when we have questions.

Victoria Rudi

Less than 2 minutes … That’s how long it took me to add a comments section to my blog articles. It seemed surreal, especially considering the long hours I had previously spent trying to figure it out by myself. Supersparks is awesome, especially for those who don’t have extensive Webflow background.

Really nice addition to my Webflow website and great support by the team! Fast and reliable. Curious what the future will bring in terms of new features. I would highly recommend it :).

Turn your Webflow site's users into content creators

Want to add a comment section to a blog? Or add reviews to a CMS directory? Or both? Our tool gives you the flexibility to add up to three types of user generated content (UGC) to your website.


Comment sections that match your site's brand + UI

Engage with your audience and improve SEO by adding guest and member commenting to CMS generated pages, like blogs, in minutes.
Nested Replies
Extra Fields
Guest Commenting

Reviews & Ratings

Reviews sections that ignite conversation

Increase conversion rates for your shop or increase community engagement by adding reviews to e-commerce & CMS pages.
Custom Schema
Mobile Phone Ready

Community Posting

Let users ignite discussions & create editorial content

Allow your users to create new pages of CMS content with rich text. Use the Webflow Designer to build your own custom-designed community, forum, job board, & more within your Webflow site.
Rich text editor
Mobile Phone Ready

Potter ipsum wand elf parchment wingardium. It fire-whisky plums large seek. Hermione venom firs’ hall hat.
Newt you’ve owl peg-leg mewing candles cup. Thieves it wizard of a his pumpkin.

Community templates to speed up design & development in Webflow.

Forum - Unbinded

Learn more

Forum - Memberstack

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Forum - Outseta

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Forum - Webflow Memberships

Learn more

Our latest blogs

Our latest blog posts

Add user generated content to Webflow!

2 minute installation. 7 day free trial. No credit card needed.

"AMAZING design freedom"
"Super easy to implement"
"Integral to getting my startup online"

Create a custom-designed community with commenting & reviews through Webflow.

No more embedding widgets! Enable members or guests to post comments, reviews, or community posts on your Webflow sites, in 2 minutes, through our nocode tool.

Loaded for 1M
5K+ comments & reviews posted
1 million pageviews

Webflow Comment Section

Engage with your audience and improve SEO by adding comments to CMS generated pages, like blogs, in minutes. Our app is integrated with Webflow Memberships & Memberstack, so you can either receive comments from guests or logged in users. No more embedding & requiring commenters to register with 3rd party apps like Disqus.

Webflow Reviews Section

Increase conversion rates for your shop or increase community engagement by adding reviews to e-commerce & CMS pages. Unlike most reviews apps, the Supersparks app allows you to create your own custom reviews section in the Webflow Designer and is integrated with Webflow Memberships & Memberstack, so you can enable guest or member reviews.

1 mio +
Total app loads across websites
5000 +
Comments & reviews posted
1000 +
Happy users

Comment Sections

Engage with your audience and improve SEO by adding comments to CMS generated pages, like blogs, in minutes. Our app integrates with Webflow Memberships & Memberstack, so you can receive comments from guests or members. No more embedding & requiring commenters to register with 3rd party apps like Disqus.

Reviews Sections

Increase conversion rates for your shop or increase community engagement by adding reviews to e-commerce & CMS pages. Unlike most reviews apps, Supersparks gives you the power to customize your reviews section in the Webflow Designer and is integrated with Webflow Memberships & Memberstack for member or guest reviews.

Community Posting

Allow users to create new pages of content with rich text. Use the Webflow Designer to build your own custom-designed community, forum, job board, & more within your Webflow site.

Apps made just for Webflow

Webflow Blog Comments

User generated content

2-min template installation

Webflow Comment Manager

Webflow Memberships & Memberstack integration

  • Name, username, avatar, & other custom fields (of your choosing) from member accounts get automatically displayed on comments, reviews, & community posts
  • Member commenters are registered to your website, instead of 3rd party apps like Disqus
Webflow Memberships Memberstack Commenting

Full design control in the Webflow Designer

  • Customize your apps to look however you want - no more embedding 3rd party widgets with limited design flexibility
  • Add interactions ⚡
Customizable Webflow Comments

2-min no-code installation

Webflow Comment Manager
Supersparks icon

Built for no-coders by no-coders

We love Webflow! But like many no-coders & web designers, we have felt the pain of getting stuck because of some of it's limitations. Getting stuck often leads to spending hours finding workarounds online that often require rewriting code. Or when there aren't any workarounds, trade-offs need to be made, which can lead to an inferior final product.

It is our aim to make no-coders' lives easier and allow them to accomplish more by offering apps that not only expand the capabilities of Webflow, but also don't hinder design freedom. That's why our apps leverage native Webflow elements, as it allows users to custom-design every aspect of their comment & reviews section, and community in the Webflow Designer.

Add sparks in minutes

Our step-by-step tool makes it easy to add features to your no-code project and fully customize to your needs. No need to write any code.

countif formula on airtable
Upgrade Modal

More apps to explore

Webflow CMS Audio Player

Leverage Webflow's CMS to create musician or podcaster websites, audio file marketplaces, member only audio content, & much more. Our app not only plays audio files from the CMS, but is also fully customizable in the Webflow designer. No more embedding out of place widgets on your site.